We were very happy to have our dog Juwika Frisko come second place at the show in Belgium.
Eiko Vom Holtkamper Tor Wins First Place Quebec Regional German Shepherd Show

Our dog Eiko Vom Holtkamper Tor IPO3 has taken the number 1 place in Quebec Regional German Shepherd Show under...
Video of Our Newest Puppy Litter

Watch this video of our adorable puppies. V43 EIKO VOM HOLTKAMPER TOR IPO3 Progeny
How do I stop my purebred German Shepard puppy (GSD) from biting ?

The Problem: Biting is a natural German Shepard puppy behavior. Puppies explore their world with their mouths, and they use...
We are Loving Lucy

Hi Ya Pal. Thanks for the pics although we already had those ones. Can’t tell you how much we love this pup already. He is beyond adorable but also seems to be incredibly smart and of coarse extremely handsome. But seriously we just got back from the Vet and he seems as healthy as he is good natured. BAEGUN loves his new home and family . This is a great beginning and THANK YOU for the experience.
What Collar is Right for Your German Shepherd?

What collar is right for your German Shepherd - Gentle Leader and a Pinch/ Prong Collar? Learn more about the differences from a German Shepherd breeder.
Why Crate Train Your Imported German Shepherd (GSD) Puppy?

My extensive experience as one of Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area’s Best Breeders of Imported German Shepherds has exposed...